SHASN: AZADI - What Will Freedom Cost?

Created by Zain Memon

Ignite the Revolution. Topple the Imperials. Emerge as the leader of your nation. A semi-coop retelling of rebellion through the ages.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Cards Will Be Charged On 5th August
about 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 21, 2022 at 07:21:47 PM

TL;DR - Your cards will be charged by GADFLY STUDIOS INC.

Greetings fellow rebels!

Thanks to your many suggestions, we have come close to finalizing our rulebook. Once it’s fully designed, we’ll share it with you here, and on BGG.

With the game on the verge of entering into production,we will be charging your credit/debit cards for your orders on 5th August, from Gadfly Studios Inc. We're charging the cards now to lock our orders, and we will inform you about shipping charges closer to delivery. The reason for the loud tl;dr at the top is that most people do not associate our company name with the game. Last time around, at least 2 people ended up canceling their cards suspecting foul play.

While we hope this is adequate notice, we’ll be reminding you a week in advance as well.

We’re still waiting on our final prototype to be delivered from the manufacturers. But just to show you how far the design language of the game has come along, here’s a few images of one of our favorite Tyranny Cards in the South Asian Independence campaign. We’d love to hear the choice you’d make!

We’ll see you in the next update, hopefully with our first prototype!

Long live the revolution,

Zain Memon and Abhishek Lamba

New Rulebook + Production Update
about 2 years ago – Mon, May 23, 2022 at 09:27:46 PM

Greetings fellow rebels!

We are elated to bring you this update after running extensive playtests of the game in the past few weeks. The response so far has been overwhelmingly positive, and we can’t wait for you to start your journey as a revolutionary with this new and improved version of AZADI.  

We have made some changes to sharpen the gameplay and narrative experience. The changes we have made are reflected in the new rulebook. While it’s still a work in progress, we would love to hear your feedback on it. Feel free to drop your suggestions as comments on this Google Doc. Click here to read the new rulebook!

Soon, we will be posting an extensive video explaining the design process behind the game and diving deeper into the changes we have made.

On the production front, we have already shared files for a new prototype of the game, which will be manufactured and delivered to us in the coming few weeks. So far, we are on track to deliver the game to you by the start of next year. The revolution is just around the corner. 

Long live the revolution,

Zain Memon and Abhishek Lamba

New Campaign Artwork + Production Update
over 2 years ago – Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 12:45:49 PM

Greetings fellow rebels!

We are thrilled to reveal artwork for some of AZADI’s campaign decks. These include the American Revolution 1776, South Asian Independence 1947, French Revolution 1789, and the Mars Revolution.

While they are still a work in progress, these artworks are meant to give you a glimpse of what is to come. Let us know what you think!

Meanwhile, the game is going through a process of rigorous playtesting. We are in the final stages of game development, and if the lockdown in Shenzhen is lifted soon, we will begin prototyping in April.


A big shoutout to our friends at Apeiron Games who are in the last two days of their Kickstarter campaign for Ahau - Rulers of Yucatán! Ahau is an immersive Euro-style strategy game for 1-5 players with an innovative system of dual engine-building, resource management, and worker placement elements. Designed with the support of a team of cultural consultants (including a modern-day Maya scribe), the game has unlocked all stretch goals and two new game modes. It's time to take your throne!

Long live the revolution,

Zain Memon and Abhishek Lamba

8 Flavours of Revolution!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 05, 2022 at 01:42:46 AM

Greetings fellow rebels!

We hope you all are safe and had a wonderful holiday season! We were hit hard by the latest wave of COVID, with most of our team members affected by it. After recovering through December and most of January, we are almost back to full capacity now.

However, despite these challenges, progress on the game has been going well. Here are a few updates!

Firstly, the pledge manager:

Thanks to your support, we have unlocked all three new campaigns - French Revolution 1789, the ??? Revolution, and the Indus Valley Revolution. These are now available for everyone to add to their pledge!

We have also set up new bundles on our pre-order store so that you can get exactly what you need. Choose from 5 different bundles:

  • SHASN Standalone Bundle, AZADI Standalone Bundle
  • Everything New Bundle
  • Everything SHASN + AZADI Bundle
  • Everything SHASN + AZADI Bundle (Standalone Versions).

You’ll find details for each bundle over on Backerkit. You can log into your account and add any of these new items by editing your pledge. If you need a new survey link, just click here and enter your email.

Know any of your friends who might be interested in joining the rebellion? Send them this link to our pre-order store!

For Retail Edition backers:

For those of you who had backed our Retail Edition, your rewards have been shipped, and most of you should have received your copies last month. If any of you are still awaiting your delivery of the Retail Edition, please reach out to us via Direct Message here on Kickstarter.

US Store launch:

With the assistance of our new distribution partners GTG, we have moved warehouses to Missouri and now have limited copies of our SHASN US 2019-2020 Retail Edition available for purchase on our US online store. Click here to get your copy today!

Game Development Update:

We’ve been playtesting AZADI extensively and fine-tuning every mechanic. We already are well into the second drafts of the India and Mars campaigns and the third draft of the Egypt campaign. The work on updating the old India 2019-20 and USA 2019-20 decks is well underway. We’re also working to make the game even more modular to add more replayability. Our experiments with Azadi cards have been going well and we will have a new rulebook for you soon!

Long live the revolution,

Zain Memon and Abhishek Lamba

Pledge manager is now live!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 27, 2021 at 02:52:52 AM

Greetings fellow rebels!

Our pledge manager is now live! 

Head on over there to update your orders! Through the course of our campaign, we made the Mars 1 A.E. Revolution free for everyone getting a copy of AZADI. But there still are 3 more revolutions that you can be a part of! These include - French Revolution 1789, the ??? Revolution, and the Indus Valley Revolution.

You can place an order for one of these decks via the pledge manager! However, writing a new campaign can be a rather costly affair. As such, we will only publish these campaigns if enough of you order them. From these 3 campaigns, only ones that receive 500 orders will be produced. If all 3 receive 500 orders, we’ll publish all 3! So if you really want to kickstart these revolutions, show your support by placing your orders! We’ll be finalising which campaigns we’ll produce by the end of January, so make sure you place your orders before that! Feel free to make a case for your favorite campaigns in the comments below. 

Do you have a friend who missed out on their opportunity to get AZADI? Tell them it’s never too late to raise a glass to freedom! The pre-order store is now live! They can access it by clicking this link.

Finally, anyone following the news would know that global shipping is in a bit of a crisis right now. The future is uncertain, but we’re hoping that the situation improves by the time we are closer to fulfilling your pledges. This is why we haven’t added shipping rates to the pledge manager yet. This also means that your card would be charged twice - once for the add-ons, and once to cover shipping. We will let you know before we charge your cards both times. 

If you foresee moving in the near future, no need to put it in your address right now. We’ll be reaching out to you right before we start shipping, so you’ll have some time to update your address. That being said, please make sure you order your add-ons as soon as possible. It will really help us get a sense of the production required.

We’ll see you in the next update!

Long live the revolution,

Zain Memon and Abhishek Lamba