Ignite the Revolution. Topple the Imperials. Emerge as the leader of your nation. A semi-coop retelling of rebellion through the ages.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
The Idealist Is In The Lead! Will The Martian Revolution Prevail?
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 07:00:32 AM
Over the past week, we’ve had two really fun contests and lots of amazing entries! Picking the best entries has been a herculean task, but you know what they say: revolution isn’t easy. Announcing our first few contest winners! Their faces will now be immortalised in our Foundation Cards!
#imperials “It is too long to answer here. Mail all your contact details to [email protected] and we will get back to you. Maybe personally. Can you please install this totally safe little application to your devices that we could better list... I mean help you! Thank you!” - Ulla-Kaija
#imperials “Being publicly outed as unfunny while trying to get your caricature on a piece of cardboard” - Saif Mukadam
#rebels “Whatever the price of a new outfit is; this one's covered in their blood. Oopsie?” - Stacey McPeek
#rebels “One blood, Two blood, Whose blood? Blueblood…” - Samuel
Congratulations Charles Horikami, Gibryon Bhojraj, Satvik Bhatia, Megan Savannah Lehr, Ulla-Kaija, Saif Mukadam, Stacey McPeek, and Samuel! The Rebels will come knocking at your door soon… or maybe send you an email.
Campaign Wars
The Idealist has taken the lead! Fuelled by the most rousing revolutionary music you have shared, The Idealist sits at a whopping 6 Legacy. The Indus Valley Revolution is poised to be unlocked for free.
It just so happens that we’ve also received a distress signal from Mars. Here’s what they had to share:
If you want the Mars campaign to be unlocked for free instead, go help out The Capitalist!
Watch our first playthrough video below!
Long live the revolution,
Zain Memon and Abhishek Lamba
Do You Want A Free Campaign Deck?
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 01:53:55 AM
Greetings fellow rebels!
Revolutionaries across space, time, and realities have joined us today for a big announcement! As you might have heard, the four Ideologues have each thrown their weight behind a special campaign. Today, they break their silence.
The Capitalist - Mars 1 A.E. (After Earth)
The Supremo - French Revolution 1789
The Showstopper - ??? Revolution
The Idealist - Indus Valley Revolution 3000 BCE
All of these campaigns will be available as add ons! However, if we are able to clear all the stretch goals before our Kickstarter campaign ends, one of these decks will be added to every backer’s copy of AZADI! (& sold separately if you pick up a copy after our Kickstarter ends)
Ideologues can earn 3, 2, 1, or 0 Legacy from one level of stretch goals, in order of who completes their tasks first. The Ideologue with the highest amount of Legacy after all stretch goals have been unlocked will add their chosen deck for free!
Let’s ensure we make it to the finish line. You can help by sharing the campaign with your friends, recruiting more rebels to the cause and spreading the good word! After all, here’s what’s at stake:
French Revolution 1789
One of Europe’s mightiest empires is in crisis. The royals and the clergy live opulent lives, while the common people clamor for scraps in the face of hunger, war, and death. Witness the birth of the modern nation state as you decide how the cake is eaten. “No sire, it’s not a revolt; it’s a revolution!”
Mars 1 A.E. (After Earth)
Generations ago, the first settlers arrived on Mars - refugees searching for redder pastures. Now, their descendants labour under harsh, tedious conditions, overseen by brutal MPCs (multi-planetary corporations). Inspired by the recent Lunar uprising, agitated Martians are wondering why their elongated lives are spent in the service of a pale blue dot across the sky. Enter the revolution across a diverse and dangerous galaxy.
Indus Valley Revolution 3000 BCE
Thousands of years ago, a rich, vibrant stronghold flourished by the banks of the river Indus. The cities of the Indus Valley had their own written language, trade systems, centralised drainage, and housing. Relive the unlikely rise and fall of one of the cradles of human civilization with this speculative retelling.
??? Revolution
An urgent revolution that hasn’t yet met its conclusion. Set in ██████-day ████████ this ██████████████ is ██████████████████ Tackle the █████████████████ as you ██████████████████ ██████████████████ Written by ███████████
In the meantime, take a look at what the reviewers are saying!
The Rebels Push Back! New Stretch Goals!
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 01:11:51 AM
Greetings fellow rebels!
The Imperials recently made themselves heard, with all the arrogance of a head that has gone senile under the weight of gold. They thought they could disband us with pomp and mockery. But you raced against the clock and rallied together in a spectacular show of defiance! The rebel movement is proud to confirm that we, the people, have outperformed the dirty imperials. It was heartening and inspiring to read what freedom means to you all.
But before the revolution is seen in the streets, it is born in the mind. Change begins with an idea that you can’t kill. After this recent showdown, the four Ideologues are seeking inspiration to keep the resistance going. Share the films, songs, books, games (or any other media) - that have moved you, uplifted you, and stoked the revolutionary fire in your belly.
The Supremo is looking for great art that could be even better. The Showstopper is looking for the most hard-hitting anti-colonial media out there! The Idealist is looking for music that rouses crowds and inspires hope. The Capitalist, of course, is looking for a little more money.
For our next set of stretch goals:
The Capitalist | 4 Additional Azadi Cards in the American Revolution Campaign | Raise $ 120,000.
The Supremo | 4 Additional Azadi Cards in the Russian Revolution Campaign | Share alist of atleast20 works of art that would have been better without their imperial/colonial themes. ⚠️Write #Supremo with your answer in the Kickstarter page comments section! (We enjoy Catan a lot, but wonder if the ‘Settler’ theme is really necessary.)
The Showstopper | 4 Additional Azadi Cards in the Egyptian Revolution Campaign | Share at least 25ofyour favorite anti-colonial works of art. ⚠️Write #Showstopper with your recommendation in the Kickstarter page comments section! (Spirit Island by Eric Reuss and Hamilton: An American Musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda are among ours!)
The Idealist | 4 Additional Azadi Cards in the South Asian Independence Campaign | Share atleast 40 of your favorite revolutionary songs! ⚠️ Write #Idealist with your song in the Kickstarter page comments section. (PS - we’ll make a playlist out of this!)
The Imperials may have slunk away with their tails between their legs, but something tells us they’ll be back. Let’s make sure our Ideologues have all the support they need to be ready.
Over and out,
The Rebels
The Crown Would Like A Word.
over 3 years ago
– Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 06:00:19 PM
Greetings loyal subjects!
Do you hear that? The silence?
That’s the sound of respect in the face of authority. It’s the sound of bowed heads and bent knees. And yet, something threatens to disturb the peace and order we have upheld for centuries. There are murmurs in the kitchens. Whispers in the streets. Silly children with their heads full of ludicrous ideas.
Ideas of revolution.
The crown does not take dissent lightly. The empire did not build prosperity for all only to have some traitors spit at the hand that feeds them. Do they really think that unlocking a few stretch goals will frighten us? We scoff at their feeble attempts! The puny Ideologues rising up against us have been muzzled.
My obedient subjects, let us show these self-proclaimed rebels their place! Let us reveal them for the jokers they are and laugh at their misplaced hope. Let us answer their oh-so serious question: “What Will Freedom Cost?” with wrong answers only. Here’s one: '$99 + Shipping'.
The crown can count on your support, can it not? Now be a good, little subject and leave your answer in the comments section.
An uneasy quiet fills the air. The gathering of people watches the Imperials - disquieted, intimidated, torn. Suddenly, the crowd parts. A lone woman emerges with steely, blood-shot eyes. She gazes upon the Imperials and stands tall.
She speaks.
“You, my lord, I must confess, are the lord of nothing at all.”
The Imperials stiffen. Children look up to her in awe.
She continues, “We will not fall for your divisive machinations. We will answer your question, but we will only answer justly. What will freedom cost, you ask? Here’s my answer, you Imperial scum - it will cost the blood of tyrants and patriots.
Rebels! Help me, and I will help deliver our Azadi.”
“What Will Freedom Cost?”
The Imperials demand wrong answers only. The revolution demands right answers only.
For our next set of stretch goals, drop your answer in our Kickstarter comments section!
Make sure to write “What Will Freedom Cost?” and either #Rebels or #Imperials before your answer.
You can only comment for one side. Only one comment per backer will count towards the stretch goal.
Buthere’s the catch: WE ONLY HAVE UNTIL SUNDAY,11:59 PM EST!
Check out our stretch goals section for more details.
Now that the Imperials have inserted themselves into the revolution, the Ideologue stretch goals will remain locked until we resolve this.
And to make things even more interesting, our 2 favorite answers for both the Imperials and the Rebels each will win a special reward -their face on a Foundation Card!
Pick your side and 🔥 Become A Founder! 🔥
Become A Founder!
over 3 years ago
– Thu, Sep 09, 2021 at 12:41:13 AM
You may be working together to defeat the Imperials, but after our campaign for Azadi, history will remember some of you more fondly than others.
Over the course of the campaign, we’re going to have many exciting competitions. But what are you competing for? Your sacrifices to the revolution will not be forgotten. Competition winners will have their likeness memorialised in a Foundation Card!
We will also have a few special competitions throughout the campaign for even bigger prizes, so keep an eye out for those. Last time, we featured contest winners on our Elite Cards. Check them out!
And now....
Onto Our First Competition!
A favorite from our previous campaign, we’ve decided to bring Caption This back for the AZADI campaign! We've shared 4 pictures below. Click on any image to download it. Caption it and share your entries on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. To start you off, we’ve left a fun caption below each image at the end of this update. We are only accepting submissions till 11:59 p.m. EST Friday!
"I’m sorry! I thought you said Lenin backedcards."
Can't wait to see what you all come up with. The revolution is burning bright. In less than 2 days, we’ve already unlocked 5 stretch goals. We still have to work on 3 more to unlock the next set of stretch goals.